BRICS Business Council - Skills Development Working Group

Skills Development Working Group is one of seven Working Groups of the BRICS Business Council.

Its scope of responsibility includes overcoming the gap - between the needs of the rapidly growing economies of BRICS countries and the quality of their vocational education and exchanging best practices in the sphere of skills development. The key objective of the Working Group - is to form a shared vision of the skills of the future and develop joint projects.


Moscow hosted BRICS Future Skills Challenge in a distant format.

While Russia chaired the BRICS in 2020, the first international skills competition for BRICS member states, the BRICS Future Skills Challenge, was simultaneously held in distant format. Competitors from five BRICS states completed test projects from remote sites in each of their countries. Most Russian sites were located at educational institutions in Moscow. The competition's management centres were also located there, from whence Russia's international experts observed the progress of the competitions and assessed the completed test projects.