WorldSkills Russia Academy
The purpose of the Academy - is educational activities aimed at spreading international and domestic best practices based on WorldSkills International and WorldSkills Russia standards in the sphere of vocational education and vocational training.
Teachers and masters took part in trainings
The targets and objectives of the Academy - include the application of WorldSkills standards in the large-scale training of skilled specialists, the familiarization of teachers with modern technologies in the professional sphere and with the WorldSkills standards for a corresponding skill, the inclusion of teachers at educational institutions into the WorldSkills movement's activities in Russia and the expansion of the WorldSkills community of experts.
The following projects are being implemented by the Academy: Skills of the Wise — professional development for people of pre-retirement and retirement age; a training programme for teachers and masters; a retraining programme for managers.
Skills of the Wise
Skills of the Wise is a unique programme of vocational and supplementary education for people of pre-retirement age based on the WorldSkills standards developed by WorldSkills Russia.
The programme is supported by the Russian Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the Federal Service for Labour and Employment.
A dynamically developing economy requires continuous improvement of skills including those of employees aged 50 and up.
The purpose of the programme is to facilitate the employment of citizens who are 50 or more years old and persons of pre-retirement age through the arrangement of vocational training and supplementary vocational education so they may obtain new or develop their existing expertise, knowledge and skills, ensuring competitiveness and professional mobility in the job market.
WorldSkills has become a mechanism of continuous vocational and personal development in Russia.
Teacher training
5000 Masters, a teacher and master training project, is a supplementary vocational programme for improving the skill level of teachers (masters of vocational training) within the WorldSkills Russia Academy.
The programme is implemented at special sites with the participation of experts who are certified in a corresponding skill.
Manager retraining programme
The WorldSkills Director programme is aimed at training the managers of vocational organizations.
The objective of the programme is to improve the skills of managers of educational institutions using the WorldSkills methodology in order to ensure further development and a transformation of the skills development system.