WorldSkills Russia and UNDP have launched a project on digital transformation of the education system in Kyrgyzstan

On September 28, Worldskills Russia, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Youth Development Institute, the public foundation in Kyrgyzstan, held an introductory session dedicated to the launch of a project on the digital transformation of the education system in Kyrgyzstan. The project on the introduction of digital solutions into the training system, developed by WorldSkills Russia, was proposed as part of the UNDP competition “Innovative solutions for the transformation of vocational education systems in the CIS countries”.

To implement the project, the most popular digital professions in the labour market were identified, for which training programmes were developed with the subsequent introduction of assessment tools using digital solutions and platforms. The training is aimed at trainers and masters of vocational training, who will subsequently apply the best practices gained for the development of the national training system of Kyrgyzstan.

“Through WorldSkills, we are changing the content of education, because we have the opportunity to compare international standards with national standards. Launching this project on digital skills, we understand that many of them have already become necessary skills for most professions. Thus, after mastering new technologies within the framework of the programme, participants will be able to apply them in their further professional activities, as well as to develop unique programmes for the purpose of transforming the personnel training system. The result of the project will be a joint Digital Skills Competition, which will not only create a knowledge base but also begin the stage of spreading new technologies with the involvement of more people,” said Alina Doskanova, WorldSkills Russia Deputy Director General for International Relations, WorldSkills Asia Board member.

The project is a full-cycle continuous programme, which will be implemented in two stages: training in short intensive practice-oriented programmes, including practical seminars, as well as training in independent assessment. As a result of the project, the Digital Skills Competition will be organized, aimed at scaling new tools and the subsequent transformation of the entire system of training in digital skills in the country.

Worldskills Russia will act as a mentor and will oversee the process throughout the project. During the implementation of the initiative, training in such digital skills as Graphic Design Technology, IT Software Solutions for Business, Web Technologies, IT Network Systems Administration, Mobile Application Development is provided. The project will be held in a hybrid format: participants will have access to Russian advanced digital platforms and laboratories, as well as cloud infrastructure for the purpose of training, performing production tasks and testing technologies.

 “We are pleased that this joint project of UNDP and WorldSkills Russia, which is funded by the Government of the Russian Federation, creates additional opportunities for expanding international cooperation in the field of vocational education development in the CIS. The results of this project will contribute to the achievement of our common goals,” said Natalia Voronkova, Project Manager of the United Nations Development Program Office for Partnership Support in the Russian Federation.